Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2015 Summer Reunions Announced

We are thrilled to announce the dates for our 2015 Summer Reunions!

Back by popular demand, our mid-summer reunion...

Saturday, July 25, 2015...at Hayward!!!

The ever lovely Jenny Muschinske and Krysten Duarte, are again this year co-chairing the event, which means they'll be building upon their efforts and success from the 2014 reunion. Mark your calendar -- you don't want to miss this!

And, new this year, we're offering up a second reunion to include an extended two-night stay for those of you wanting to hunker down and immerse yourself in Camp culture over Labor Day Weekend! This is the perfect opportunity for alumni traveling from the hinterlands of the US, or from "across the pond" to make a holiday of it!

Saturday, September 5th - 7th, 2015...also at Hayward!

Stay tuned...details to come!

Don't forget to visit our Alumni Page for more news from Camp...